What's Herpenning
Meetings, Events, and Field Trips
Please Note: Due to Covid 19, changes can occur to meetings and planned events. Check or join our facebook page to be kept up to date with events, meetings, and their locations.
Monthly Meetings:
We hold monthly meetings with guest speakers and topics to suit a wide range of herpers. These may include scientific presentations, professional keeper’s advice, information on current conservation projects, professional photographers recounting overseas reptile and amphibian herping trips with gorgeous photos, or amateur keepers with something to share. Some are for education and others for pure interest. Many include slide shows and practical advice, such as how to set up cages for beginners, and the latest developments and equipment in herpetological practice. Everyone is welcome at our meetings, whether on their own or in a family group.
Field Trips:
We conduct field trips comprising one-day outings, and others taken over a weekend. Their purpose is to explore and survey an area for reptiles and amphibians, and just get together for relaxation.
Other Events:
We hold regular HHS events throughout the year in addition to monthly meetings and field trips. These include our Reptile Expo, Annual Photo Competition, member’s picnic, and in December most years we join the other herpetological societies of Sydney and surrounds for a Christmas BBQ held at The Australian Reptile Park with free entry for herp society members, and access to behind-the-scenes tours.
Penrith Reptile Expo
Since 2010 we have held a Reptile Expo each year that draws thousands of people. These are busy and popular days where herpetologists come together to demonstrate to the public what we do and what we know. We gather breeders from all over NSW, who bring their reptiles to sell at the show*. There are displays of reptile and amphibian equipment as well as merchandise from specialist outlets and manufacturers. We also hold a Best in Show with guest judges including John Cann, Dāv Kaufman, & Kamp Kenan’s Kenan Harkin. Each year is more popular than the last and we see it as a vital component in educating and informing the public about the creatures we love.